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ETH vs. CNY by Creator7nft

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is an artist/creator, who is also an active member of our Discord community since the beginning of our project.

For this reason, we’re happy to support him and his art by giving our Readers Club Members the possibility to collect one of his amazing NFT artworks exclusively on our Readers Gallery by using our NFTM TOKEN!

This is a great way to collect this emerging artist and support him at the beginning of his career.


In this artwork you can see Ethereum vs. Chinese yuan.

Today we see significant oppositions between two very different economic worlds: the world of Fiat money, and the world of Cryptocurrency. The battlefield is widely known and visible. In this amazing NFT collection, I present a very popular opinion about the Triumph of Crypto and mention some participants who play significant roles in the Modern Economy.

View the NFT on OpenSea


  • You can collect this NFT only with your NFTM TOKENS
  • No gas fee and no additional costs
  • If you win the auction, you will receive all the details for the transfer of NFTM via EMAIL
  • You will receive your NFT via Airdrop in your wallet
  • No reserve price!


Nowadays we see the fight between Cryptocurrency and FIAT money. To reflect on this battle I published a collection about it. Being a creative person who lives in London – one of the centres of the financial world, I see how interesting this opposition is. I see this collection as a new page in NFT world because this is intellectual artwork with wisdom and belief in the crypto future.

Each NFT can be printed on Canvas. This project was inspired by the famous painting of Vasiliy Vereschagin “Apotheosis of war”. I want to give new look to 19th-century painting and show how actual it can be today.


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